ACPA Concrete Pavement Progress Q1 2020

Concrete Pavement Progress 10 “We worked some very long days and weekends to be ready,”McCormick says. “Good coordination with other contractors on site was important because we shared some intersections and haul routes, and it was necessary to coordinate our paving schedules with their work.” Northern Improvement typically uses stringlines and pins on highway projects, but the airport project gave the crews a chance to use stringless paving on some paving equipment. “We were able to save time and offset some of the delay in supplies by using stringless,” says McCormick. “FAA specifications are so precise, so there was some concern with use of a new technology, but it worked well,” he says. “We will use stringless technology on futures projects when it is possible.” “Good coordination with other contractors on site was important because we shared some intersections and haul routes, and it was necessary to coordinate our paving schedules with their work.” » continued from page 9 W I L L I S T O N N D A I R P O R T