ACPA Concrete Pavement Progress Q2 2020 Quarter 2, 2020 25 THE FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY ADMINISTRATION (FMCSA) published the final Drivers Hours of Service Rule in mid-May. The final rule allows truckers who drive short distances to drive up to 14 hours instead of 12 hours. In February 2019, ACPA successfully advocated for an exemp- tion for concrete paving operations. Leif Wathne worked with ACPA contractors and led an effort to collect and report comments during the rulemaking period. “Under the final rule, time spent loading and unloading a truck will be counted as breaks from driving,” says Jerry Voigt. “Broadly speaking, we are very happy with the final rule as announced,” he says, adding, “While it did not create a uniform construction industry exemption that a coalition of industry groups—including ACPA—would have liked to see, the rule has essentially made permanent the 5-year exemptions ACPA was granted in February 2019.” View the final HOS rule here: FMCSA Publishes Final Hours of Service Rule