ACPA Concrete Pavement Progress Quarter 3 2020 Quarter 3, 2020 A C P A N E W S 25 ACPA Supports Highway Users’ #FightForHighways Campaign ACPA JOINED FORCES WITH THE AMERICAN HIGHWAY USERS ALLIANCE (AHUA) this week to kick off a two- pronged public affairs campaign aimed at passage of a long-term highway bill and inclusion of highway investment in COVID-19 relief and recovery legislation. The #fightforhighways campaign uses social media channels Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to inform and educate public officials, the transportation industry, and others of the critical need for short- and long-term investment. AHUA is drawing on members and allies to support the campaign. ACPA Chairman Greg McCormick (Northern Im- provement Co.) is one of several transportation officials delivering video messages to share perspectives on the impact of highway funding. The officials represent the transportation construction industry, as well as highway users and other transportation sectors. ACPA appreciates the efforts of AHUA and applauds the leadership exhibited by launching the #fightforhighways social media campaign. Follow us on Social Media Be sure to follow ACPA on these popular social media channels: @american-concrete-pavement-association @concretepavements @paveconcrete @concrete_pavement_association @paveconcrete63 View Greg McCormick’s video at