CHLA Lodging News March April 2020

2 Message from the President & CEO 4 Hotelier Profile: Ann Callahan 6 Environmental Footprint: Terranea Resort, LA’s Oceanfront Resort 11 How California Hotels are Capitalizing on Cannabis 14 What Inspires a Lodging Owner to Cater to a Niche Market? 18 CABBI InnSpire’s Conference & Marketplace 24 Upcoming Events 26 CHLA Marketplace 32 The CHLA Partners OUR MISSION CHLA is the indispensable resource for communicating and protecting the rights and interests of the California lodging industry, for providing educational training and cost-saving programs for all segments of the industry, and for supporting strategic alliances to promote the value of California tourism and travel. 14 18 LODGING  NEWS TABLE OF CONTENTS ON THE COVER The photograph on the cover was taken by Ryuji Morishita.