PRLA Restaurant & Lodging Matters Spring 2020

Red Phase WORK & CONGREGATE SETTING RESTRICTIONS • Life-Sustaining Businesses Only • Congregate Care and Prison Restrictions in Place • Schools (for in-person instruction) and Most Child Care Facilities Closed SOCIAL RESTRICTIONS • Stay-at-Home Orders in Place • Large Gatherings Prohibited • Restaurants and Bars Limited to Carry-Out and Delivery Only • Only Travel for Life-Sustaining Purposes Encouraged • Reiterate and Reinforce Safety Guidance for Businesses, Workers, Individuals, Facilities, Update if Necessary • Monitor Public Health Indicators, Adjust Orders, and Restrictions as Necessary As regions or counties move into the yellow phase, some restrictions on work and social interaction will ease while others, such as closures of schools, gyms, and other indoor recreation centers, hair and nail salons, as well as limitations around large gatherings, remain in place. For example, retail locations will be able to open with forthcoming guidance in place that is substantially similar to the worker safety and building safety order. Otherwise retail will be able to allow for curbside pickup. The purpose of this phase is to begin to power back up the economy while keeping a close eye on the public health data to ensure the spread of disease remains contained to the greatest extent possible. 18 •  PENNSYLVANIA RESTAURANT & LODGING matters  •  Spring 2020