CHLA California Lodging News March/April 2023 MARCH/APRIL 2023 15 your loyalty program to earn additional perks and rewards. And don’t worry, all of this can be automated through your property management software and various triggers you set to enhance the guest stay. Also, allow your marketing team to be creative in their promotional offer leading up to the stay. And after your guests leave, express gratitude for their stay and get them on the hook again with an offer and social media post to encourage them to follow you! The Missing Link. What is often overlooked in the discussion above is the staff and resources that go into making all this possible. Never overlook the value of partnering with the right vendor that can act as an extension of your staff, not just deliver a piece of software. A vendor that specializes in servicing hotels, B&Bs, and inns will understand the whole guest journey, from the beginning of online searches to maximizing on post-stay communication. They should also take advantage of associations like the California Association of Boutique & Breakfast Inns (CABBI) and the California Hotel & Lodging Association (CHLA) to connect with their peers and meet with lodging operators face-to-face. In turn, hoteliers should test these vendors, talk to them about their solutions, and demo and measure their products and services. As an independent lodging operator, ensure yourself that you have the best combination of marketing and technology to grow your business and simplify operations. Achieving success in the hospitality industry today requires hoteliers stay aware of the many key elements of marketing and technology. We have only uncovered a few of them in this article, but if we have piqued your interest, contact us at www.rezstream. com for a deeper conversation. We love to share our knowledge. By understanding your target audience, utilizing data, and continuously innovating, you can build a strong foundation for success and ensure your property remains competitive in today's challenging environment. Good luck!