2021 GDA Member Benefits Guide

3 Legislation and regulations affect you, your practice, and y our patients every day. GDA's Government Affairs team is always advocating on y our behalf to ensure your voice is heard at the State Capitol. Visit gadental.org/advocacy to learn how you can get involved to protect the profession and get the latest legislative updates fromour Government Affairs team. LAW Days are hosted each year during the legislative session. Members and dental students come to the state capitol to learn about legislative issues impacting dentistry and dent al patients and then speak to legislators about those issues, encouraging their support and thanking them for their efforts on legislation. LAWDays typically begin in January each year; all members and their spouses are welcomed. The Legislative Insider is a w eekly report dedicated to legislative activities, bill progress, and legislators' position on GDA initiatives. During the legislative session, t he Insider is distributed via email or you can find the report on ou r website at gadental.org/advocacy. SUPPORT DENTAL-FRIENDLY CANDIDATES FOR STATE OFFICE The Georgia Dental Association Political Action Committee (GDAPAC) is a non-profit, non- partisan organization. GDA member dentists are invited to voluntarilycontribute funds to GDAPAC, which help support candidates running for state of fices. GDAPAC makes political contributions to candidates, regardless of party affiliation. GDA members can make donations to GDAPAC via their dues statements, via personal check, or online at the GDA website: https://www.gadental.org/advocacy/gdapac. For more information, please contact the GDA’s VP of Government Affairs, Scott Lofranco – em ail: scott@gadental.org; phone: (404) 636-7553 x 103. PROTECTING THE PROFESSION