2023 Membership Benefit Guide

We are GDAStrong! As a member of the Georgia Dental Association (GDA), you will be offered a wealth of resources to help you succeed in the dental profession. When you join organized dentistry, you gain access to numerous benefits and resources at the national level (the ADA), at the State level (the GDA), and at your local level. For 164 years, the GDA has been a professional membership organization comprised of more than 3,600 members. Georgia has seven district dental societies that represent the interests and activities of dentists in those areas. Each district elects its own officers and conducts local meetings, providing you with support and a network of colleagues in your community. The GDA, along with the ADA and your local districts, are a powerful voice on behalf of the profession. The legislative advocacy actions taken by the GDA protect your profession, practice, and patients; and the GDA’s public relations efforts increase awareness and positive perceptions of dentistry. We work daily on your behalf to ensure you are up-to-date on the latest technology and professional developments. When you become a member of the GDA, you also become part owner in GDA subsidiares such as GDA Plus+ Supplies and Georgia Dental Insurance Services, all available to help you further your career and save you money. We hope this guide gives you a brief overview of the many benefits the GDA has to offer you and we are excited to help you protect, grow and promote your practice. Frank J. Capaldo Executive Director/CEO Dr. Zachary Powell 2022 GDA President Dr. Christopher Adkins 2023 GDA President Scan the code to learnmore about the GDA governance structure. 2023 Member Benefit Guide