OTA Dispatch Issue 1, 2022

19 www.ortrucking.org Issue 1 | 2022 THE TIMELINE By February 14, a bill must pass out of its policy committee to continue through the process, and by February 18, it must be posted for a work session in the second chamber. These deadlines do not apply to bills in joint committees, fiscal committees, or rules committees. WHAT TO WATCH ` HB 4002 would require agricultural employers to pay overtime for hours worked over 40 per week. The bill includes a transition period for employers, but many within the agricultural community have found that it does not address the underlying policy challenge or account for unique business operations. This conversation will continue throughout the session as opponents look to strike a compromise. `At the forefront of discussions around transportation are two bills related to fuel. ¼HB 4141 would functionally ban the use of conventional petroleum diesel upon certain thresholds being met to transition to the usage of renewable diesel. While many within the transportation sector are supportive of renewable diesel, the lack of supply and cost effectiveness currently make this policy challenging to implement. Discussions around amendments to the bill that require additional study or work in the interim are on the table after a strong showing of opposition from the trucking industry, fuel providers, and members of the agricultural community. ¼HB 4151 is a bipartisan bill which gained a wide range of support in committee. It would allow consumers to have some choice at the fuel pump by allowing for both self-service and attendant support at your local gas station. The bill had a positive hearing with proponents outlining the need for such a policy due to workforce shortages. The bill heard no verbal testimony in opposition in committee. ¼HB 4034 includes several provisions in the -2 amendment that would provide technical fixes to the teleheath bill that passed last session. The bill also includes language that would support pharmacies by allowing them to swipe, rather than manually enter, information from an individual’s driver’s license as they purchase Sudafed. Furthermore, the bill would also require the Oregon Board of Pharmacy to ensure that rules the Board is drafting for the remote operations occurring at pharmacies are reasonable and operable. There is broad support for the amendment, and we anticipate this bill will move through the process. ¼SB 1526 addresses campaign finance reform. After the Secretary of State rejected three ballot measures, Senate Majority Leader Wagner breathed new life into the issue with an amendment that would limit how much candidates, labor unions, political party committees, and advocacy groups can accept and give in state elections. It also would set penalties for violating those rules and create a system of public financing for campaigns. However, the amendment also contains a controversial provision, allowing limitless giving for “small donor committees” that accept donations of no more than $250 per person each year. This has been criticized in the past by Republicans and business organizations who fear it will allow labor unions and other groups to have an outsized influence. If passed, Sen. Wagner’s proposal would appear on the November 2022 ballot.