OTA Dispatch Issue 3, 2022

30 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Are Your Drivers Prepared For a Crash Investigation? By OTA Allied Partner—PayneWest TRUCK-CAR CRASHES HAPPEN every day. According to the American Trucking Association and FMCSA, in 80– 85% of cases the passenger vehicle driver is at fault. But proving that is not always so simple. The driver behind the 5-ton-plus semi-truck is often an easy target to point blame. Ensuring professional drivers are properly prepared for a crash investigation is vital to managing a fleet’s risk and avoiding a difficult verdict or settlement. Crash Investigation Preparation Checklist Use this checklist of questions to help determine how prepared your drivers and your company are when a crash inevitably happens. Do your drivers know the first steps when a crash happens? ` How do you clear the road and safely remain on the scene? ` What do you do in the case of death or severe injury? ` How do you report? ` Who do you report to? Do your drivers know how to interact with law enforcement? ` How do you keep calm and focused on the facts? ` How do you answer questions without sharing opinions and admitting fault? ` Do your drivers know how to be good information gatherers? ` What photos and angles are a must to take? ` How do you log crash information? ` What conditions (weather, speed, vehicles and factors involved, witnesses) do you note? Do your drivers know the appropriate company contact at all times? ` Who do you contact in the middle of the night and on holidays? ` Who is the media spokesperson? Does your company have a well-established media communications plan? ` Do your drivers know what to say when questioned by the media? ` Do you have a media spokesperson designated at all times: evenings, holidays, and vacations? Does your company conduct crash investigation trainings? ` Do you conduct initial trainings and regular refresh trainings? ` Have you re-educated your experienced drivers with today’s best practices and technologies? Does your insurance provider help manage risk around crash investigations? ` Does your provider conduct risk audits? ` Does your provider assist with trainings? PayneWest Insurance is a long-time leader in the transportation sector. With more than four decades of experience working with fleet owners and managers across the Northwest, our knowledgeable team offers exclusive risk assessments, a dedicated claims team to help guide clients through any unfortunate loss