PLSO The Oregon Surveyor May/June 2021

26 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 44, No. 3 1 HILL5C0R0 IMDEPESDEXT. i7l 1LUEK HTBEET, 0Bi'l JI BT KKl'OltT. At the close of Its work, the grand Jury submitted to the court the fol Awarded rlifhest Honors World's Fair, oll Medal, Midwinter Fair. Da The department of the luterior at Washington, D. C, ia collecting f.r (he purptmeof compil- ing ami pulili.thitig I lie uixgnelic var- iation of the fcurteyor's ucidln Isiih in present aud p.tsi limes. Thi-wo- tk is fr Ihe use of land surveyors, and lu the ituer.! of ecii nee. (homi pmtmmtmmmnm.mmmTUi I HOLIDAY GOODS 1 SEE PRICES! 3 Money to loan. Room Jl, Morgan building. The Delta drug btoro for fiutvt hol- iday gocds. . (Jreer's is the place to buy Chrl-.t-ma- s presents. Mr. (lus Tamieie has begun to clerk at the Ivlta dr-j- store. $1 35 20c to 1 50 v 50c to 2 50 . 20c to 5 1 45 JT Parlor Lamps . ' Bamboo Novelties . a Doll Cairiages Wood Carts Iron Carts . . . y Anil Special Prices oa other Articles, such as Roger' Silverware, Boys', Mens' and Ladies' Knives, China and Olassware, Games, Toys, y Dolls, Celluloid and Fancy Goods, Christmas Cards, Tree Ornaments and Candles, a new line g ay of Combs, Brushes, Purses and Stationery of all Kinds. A Peueil ami Tablet (Jlveu Away 3 y With every Dollar Purchase, and One Pound asa Candy with every Two Dollar Purchase at the c HILLSBORO BALAAR. 3 TJiaiiiUiuiuiuniiiUiUiiiUUUiU VV'VaVay'aaV'aaV1 r IT IS SWEET SATISFACTION the patrons of the popular pharmacy of BROOK STREET OREGON. W. E. MAIN HILLSBORO. To know that they can rely on getting the very purest and best of Drugs, Medicines, etc., together with polite aud courteous treatment from all connected with the house. This firm does not throw out bait in the way of grab-bag- s or lottery prizes, preferring to give each individual customer the lieneiit of superior goods at the lowe price possible ..... Hillsboro Livery, Feed and Sales Stable ,. OHIII KI tOH .. HACKS, BU0GIES AND RIDING HORSES PHOnPTLV A NEW LINE OF BCU0IES ADDED. Orders left for HEARSE will recelre prompt attention. Remember the Plare. MAIN STREET, opposite TUALATIN HOTEL. P. J. WILLIAMS & J. W. SEWELL Proprietors Hill AY, UIXKMBKH 20. LOCAL AND GENERAL. I'uiiilifs uii'l nnt clit'ni, at (irtfrV. Tin- - rniui imw ui'l t'luiii'li t A freli lun-- l of crmiU-rrlt-'- , at i iri'it. J. I. Knight Im minify to Iiwn, Hint liny imlfS. If The tiiiow took Its departure' on night and ThuixJay. lialiy rlMion, three janl for 5o, at Hcliuliuerkli A Hon'g. A nu-- assortment of ladle' kid gloves, Ht Schuluierlch and Kon'w. Il'v. I. Hlaver will occupy the puU I'll m (lie ioiiKrcj;aUomd church next buixUy. Call on Humphreys for lonna on KOm! property, also farina to rent and to sell. No. 1 frenl cow for ttale, four yean oki, fair l.y aim. V. A. llillion, Ulencne. Found u the Htreet in UilUtmro, a plain Kilvcr napkin riii(f. it la at this otlice. Cliildren'a eiderdown cohM In stylo and colors, at tSchultner-ic- h A Son's. J. I. Knight is always propurel for all kinds of notarial work, twin-dull- y coiivcyimcintf. Wiuittd To rent, a rami of 80 to 100 acres on the Hhnrm, or must Is' cheap f.,r cash. W. 8. Jlyde, Hills-dal- e, Or. There are not wells enough in Washington county to hold nil the water that foil Wednesday night and Thursday. The Kid-Fittin- g Is the only lies) corset In the world at ltryau-Lald-la- Co's Cash Store. See our new llainilton-lirow- n shoes. Call and insiect the holiday goods at tho I'lmrmiicy. They are the latest. They wre the hcttf, and our prices are right. Prices reduced in ladies' wraps and gents' mackintoshes. A fino line of mens' mackintoshes at cost, and close out at liryaii-Laidla- Co's Cuh Store. New patterns Just in. Did you nay pertunieM? We have an immense stock to pick from; in fact, all tho latest and liest odors of Luliin, Palmer, Crown, Colgate, Scely, Liiimloorg, Ivistman and many O'hers. Our prices are right. Pastor Dick paid good-by- e to his arishioners last Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. V. K. Thorn, where they had collected in full force for a last word. Mr. Dick works the next year at Huhbard, In Marlon county. Tnken nn A Imv mure. alxmt 5 years old, white stripe In face, white left hind leg and white right front log, wore a halter and hitcliing roe fastened alwut neck. The animal was taken no at my place, one mile Bouth of Kinton ostolllc. The owner can recover saitl mare by call-im- r on tho undersigned and paying charges. J i;. ivuoersoTi, jmiuuh. Oregon. Ifuuo a value? Well, one comes to a knowledge of their value when he does not use enough or the round jokers. The Ixpki-kshes- t run short last weeK in me uem stunn- ing of lumber cut at Mr. Lyda's mill, on Oales creek. The paragraph read ait rv lim thnnunnil feet, when it should have leen R00 thousand to a million feet. The first Is only a snort Job of eight or ten days. At tho lust regular meeting of Vio la Tent, No. 18, K. t. i. m., me oflieew were elected for the ensuing six montns: tommanour, lu A. Ixng; lieutenant commander, Ii. K. Wilkes; record keejer. Benton Bowman; finance keeper, J. F. Cars-ten- s; chaplain, W. U. Craig; sergeant, C. Jack, Jr.; master at arms, J. B. Wilkes; 1st master of guard, A. M. Carlile; 2d roaster of guard, W. 8. Phelps; sentinel, J. II. Smith; picket, F. O. Mitchell. ltev. McDonald, pastor of the M. K. church, will preach Sunday morning and evening. The subject for the morning nermon is "Noth ng but ii o,i thn pvin nir. "Shoes." Kpwortl. 1.0 t 6 :1, p.i rn. Ihe revival meewog "7;" Thirtyix have united the church. Topic for the t.; niirht Is "The Meanest Man In Hills- - boro," ana ror ,U,U"J " i.n. u'nnimi In Hillsboro." Meting this afternoon and Saturday afternoon, at a o ci.h. 1. u...l,iu niirht. lH'ceni- - -- "uiiu.. - ber next ailli, we will commence pother with an "n .v - -- Kiniim ca-np- gn l McDonald on an Interest-lu- g subject. The bold, bal burglar Is bIjouI. On Tuclay night ho entered resi- dence of Ion. Thos. II. Tongue by. to the sec-on- d back window, pa up story by the back stairs ami the front stairs. In came down by tbe,a.rU)r he turned onlheeWi '!' '' ".".ndZrke .unsilng rmemtH-r- f the lamily to vT1Z Mr, longne hiuwelf .hP iMHinml out, wnen "" ' Bailey's . rwl-hm- c No through t " thief Wrll, though the no was i art valuable g.l. I wMcf In coin was the n of .il- - cohll un, le bad man ate a ed ham, yUkU, m for and a mlnoe V". a two, but the circle of mm!, ,0 .tool, '""'V one. The Mme even-Indi.m- te Mr ,n fl'! ""'Till nul he atarm Hrynn's e ,he hy Mr from wl le scare, ,,rowler a Mr. B' 'n' h.Vf . " ."uin,. The SVA. X fOKTLASD, OR. 6. IIOtB, fre. The only Firit- - Class and Strictly Temperance Restau- rant in the City. THE LOUISVILLE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL I I'aper of Kentucky. All llie nvai aud curivcl niarkt-- t reports. REPUBLICAN IN POLITICS! .Sample copies free to any address. TIIK CUMVEKIMU Leuikville, keatarkr. AM6RICAN (SATE! The aliuve ia a eorrrrl putura of tlir AiiirKan Auloinutit' itnta. ll la per'ac ir. ita action, not iiab to Ktt out ot orlr. and h- - cloeil in avtursly lorkeil. It ir utierljr iiiiponible Mr to k to open it. yai by reason of waivliti tlml i ertrcly bulniue? it, a ninn or boy, in a wagon or on bor-bac- can easily raiaa it. ONE OF THE 6ATES IS ON EXHIBITION At House' Wagun H;.op, on Third Street, near Main. Uataa made to order or farm-righ- ts to use it aold at reasonable tiiurra. Tbe extra coat of the gie 1 1 not ba Two Dollara more than an ordinary gate of tbe same workmanship. For further particulars, call at theslioi and are the gate. L. W. HOUSE & CO. Hillsboro, Nor. 11. 18'Ja. 26- - 2. HOW MAKE A FORTUNE! $100 for every $10 Invested ran be made by our new SYSTEMATIC PLAN of SPECULATION Ten Iljllnrs and more made dally on small investments by persons who live away from Chicago. All we ask is to investigate our new and original methods. Past workings of plan and liiho.t references furnished. Onr Booklet "I'oints A Hints" how to make noney even when on the wrong side ol the market and other Information sent r KKK 6ILM0HC Co., lankare ana Broker, Open Hoard ol' Trade tlldg., Chicago, III. 2.V37. W. A. FINNEY .. BLACKSMITH .. Horse-shoein- g and General Jobbing done in a Workmanlike manner, and Promptly. Shop u Third St., near Malu IlillHlioro, ... Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN OX FARMS, ALSO ON ttOOO CITY l'KOI'KRTIKH IX ASV AMOl'XT. If Yon etl Moucy, Write to me. If Your .Mortgage U One, ami you want to Morrow Money, write to inc. If Your Property Is tiooil. Write mo an exat-- t di'wriplioii, stating location, kind of improvement, ainiinnt of in- - su ranee yon carry, and Htate the ainoiint uf money wanted and I will at onee write vou ag to the Tales of interest. LOW KATKH AND IX)XO TIMK ! ADDRESS 4 CHARLES HEXRY, So. tt Stark St., PORTLAND, OR THE MAN WHOSE CLOTHES FIT Seeim to get along in the world eaier than the other fellow In the first place, he U more at ease at social function. And he generally finds a situa tion quickly, when thrown out of employment. He seems to get the best paying positions. The fact that he buys good clothes il in itself a recommendation. It shows that he is economical. W. HOLMES, Tailor. Mala Street, . lllllhoro, Oregoa Suits made to order. Old garments cleaned, dyed or repaired. YOU'VE KEEN WRONG In Ihinkinc that, because vou had to wear your garment in Ihe sun and ii tauea mat 11 nas no value, when irushad and sponged, it looks belter, but when T3 VBD ll is aa Iresh and bright aa when new, and will last longer than it did before fading. THE TALl'E IS RESTORED. I am now prepared to r.ean and color Mean' Slit , . OvereoaU . . . Ladies' Wraps aa Ureases or , s lay rahrle.of Kimlly Wear At short notice, and at reasonable prises. Call on or address . . . MRS. THOS. TUCKER. MAIN STREET, 5 HILI.8BORO. Dr. Price' Cream baking Powdsw WerteVt mt lUfhost AsrarsV lowing roport: To the Hon. Ths. A. McBhidk, Jlim.E: We, your undersigned grand Jury for the Novc iiiUt term (1U5) of stud court, make this our final report, and respectfully reprtsent that we have carefully investigated all charges of crime preseuted to us, and have re lumed luto court fclxlteu true iiiis aud three uot true U1U. We visited the county poi r house, and found it well kept: we would recommend that a small heating stove be furnished to all rooms uot now containing one. We also reooui mend that cave troughs be added to the building, and the painting of the old Dart of the buildini' itself. We have visited the county Jail, and. although it does not meet our approval, we do not deem it advisa ble to recom mend the building of a new Jail until the return of better times; we find it as well kept as ine condition of the building will s rmit; and, while we do not wish to censure the sheriff lor the esciijie of certain prisoners, we would recommend to the said officer the exercise of vigi lance and care. The experts, W. H. Wehrung and II. S. Hudson, employed by us to ex amine the accounts of the dint-rou- t county officials, have found them cor rect, and balautes on hand as sr statement made to us by them, which statement is annexed to our report. We recommend that herealter the county judgu, with the assistant e t f one expert, if nectssary, make an ex. amination of the accounts ot the nt county officials semi-annuall- Owing to the system at present em- ployed in futiicn!iing witnesses, wt experienced considerable delay iu se- curing them, and we recommend that some measures be adopted to remedy this iu the future. Pursuant to jour instructions, we have examined witli due care and diligence into the case of alteration ot records from a justice court submitted to us by your honor, aud while there stems to be no doubt that such altt was made, we have Ix-e- una- ble to determine who is guilty of this offence. We visited the officers of the county clerk, sheriff, recorder of convey auces, treasurer, assessor and surveyor, and found the books aud accounts neat and properly kept, the officers cour- teous, and new systems and method? used, which improve and expedite the business of the county. And now, having completed our labor, we most respectfully ask to be discharged. Dated this lGth day of Dtcemher, IS'J.'i. Tiios. Pai i.skx, Foreman, John A. lli i.i r, J. W. Bakkk, P. Bosmw, J. W. SEWKU,, C. St'HAMIlfllti, C. W. Allen. EXPERTS' KEPOItT. HiLi-snoH- Or., December 13, 1895. To TIIK H0.VOKAIII.E Okntlemkm OF TIIK (J HAND JfltV OF THE Cnu uiT Court of Washington County, Oke;on, for the No. vemiiek Term of said Court, 1895 : In obedience to your instruction!", we have made a careful and thor ough examination of the accounts of the several county officials, and we have found them correct, with bal ances on hand as per statements here unto attached. Trusting that the above will meet with your approval, we remain Very respectfully, W. 11. Wkhru.-;- , II. S. Huiisdn. Atvou.vr ck e. 1.. m'uor.mick, RECORDER. Decemls-- 1, 1S',I5, fees earn- ed to date J2.135 70 Contra D.-c- . 1, 181I5, paid treasurer.. 2,135 70 At till-N- OF R. 11. (iOOHIN, CLERK, Dec 1, '95, fees paid to date..f2,79G 97 Bail forfeited 50 00 Kines collected. 10 00 Costs " 10 00 Delinquent tax sales 2,021 CO Total f 1,888 57 Contra Paid to tieasurer to tlate $4,888 67 AUUOl'NT OF AUSTIN t'RAKi, St'HOOf. SI NTE DENT. Dec 1, '95, received on certif icates to date 122 50 Bj-c'- on 1st grade certificates 8 00 " " 2d " " 9 (Ml " " 3d " " 15 00 Tolal.x 54 50 Contra Dec 1, '95, paid treas. to date f 1.1 50 Balance on hand 1 1 00 Total 54 50 DOIMT WAIT For a Cold to Run into Bron- chitis or Pneumonia. Check it at Once kith AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. "F-arl- y In the Winter, I took a ! severe cold wlnrh developed Into Cl an oOstinare, Hacking roiiirii. c virv iMtint'iil til anilnrp mni 6 ,.1.1,. . ........... ..... ,1 , , o.l ...... ll.t ..,r - c Ol limp weeks, in site of numerous o remedies. A ver's Cherry Pec- - tnral lieinj rccommetnlHir me, I to tak it, and inside of i J hours, I was relieved of the t ticklina in mv throat. Before I linishpil tli lottln, my couirli was gone. 1 cannot svsNik c hiuhly of its excellence." c Jlrs. . liosc ll, Eaton, Ohix Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Received Highest Awards o AT THE WORLD'S rAllt eoeoeeoeeeeeooeeeooooooo THE HILLSBORO ly Surveyor Wilkts, iiili sinlfnt of ill is einiuiry, lias ist-- u ctaiduilinw t'XM-rimeo- and taViug ol'scrvalioiio nice Ih'Ji, aud hence fr the short nod kiuce Is utile to furnish the Ueiwrtmeut with trustworthy data for tins Million Hillnboro. So far as known, Mr. Wilkes is the only person who has made a record 01 observations in this tield. Surveyors have had a suspicion that the varia tion of the luagnetio needle changes ironi period to (erl(xl, aud even Iroui year to year. The problem laid out by the Washington authorities is to determine lirst whether there is a change, and second, the law of cnange. .Mr. Wilkes finds that the survey made in l8ol-- 2 that marks the bast-lin- e and tin Willamette me- ridian puts the magnetic variation at 20 10' K. for the former and 20 W K. for the town line betweeu towns 2 and 3 W. At Hillsboro, for the years 1803-4-5- , tho variation has been constant at 21" iiU' K. So for those years there has been no change, and for the forty years since ls.".2 the change has been but 1" 20'. There Is a suspicion that the !,' observation may not have been as accurate as the lsy.j, owing, one reason, to the im- provement in instruments that have been made. The variation in Wash- ington county is not uniform, due to leds of magnetic iron ore known to exist lu places, though these areas are limited. What have been the variations in the forty-yea- r interval 110 one certainly knows. It may be swinging back to the 20 10' K. mark or away. The observations which Surveyor Wilkes has d, will determine in the next half century it continued by him and his successors. Dr. Withycomhe, state veterinary surgeou, has Just returned from a trip Into Douglas county. Some things there are very encouraging. For instance, 0110 mail sold in the San Francisco market, during the Thanksgiving holiday trade, turkeys that brought him $1,000. The same party has lu hand the preparing of t urkeys for the Christmas holidays and expects to ship several car loads of dressed poultry. Another flrui is finding GOO steers which he exiects to market in March ami April. The steers are kept in bands of about 100, half housed in tho day and the other half in the same stalls at night. This feeder has bis stalls on a differ- ent plan from his neighbors. Kacli bullock Is turned loose in its box stall which is 8 feet wide, and left free to eat, lie or stand at will. This is not the first year this stix-kma- has fed cattle, so there is no experi- ment about the matter. Ono man cares for each herd of 100. As an evidence ot hard times and the necessities of the people, it may be stated that burglars have taken to ransacking the resiliences of our lawyers and doctor. At Attorney Tongue's the thief found nothing, not even food. That was eaten at eventide, before. Now, it was dif- ferent across the street at Dr. Bai- ley's. There an elegant solid gold watch was found which shows forth the luxury of its rightful owner, 18 in coin tells of present thrift, and mince pies, with cold boiled ham, evidences of sumptuous living. Doctors have to be employed, but men do not bring law actions against impecunious debtors. The following otHcers were elected last Tuesday evening, by Tualatin Chapter, No. 31, 0. K. 8., for the ensuing year; W. M., Mrs. W. D. Hare; W. P., Dr. J. K. Ad kins; A. M., Miss Minnie Osmund; secretary, Miss (trace Cronkite; treasurer, Mrs. W. D. Wood; conductress, Mrs. J. Freeman; assistant conductress, (trace Poe. We have bad a variety of weather this week and It has been bad. On Sunday about an inch of snow fell, which found a temja-ratur- Just low enough to prevent melting, but not cold enough to freeze. Wednesday we h ul more snow, which by noon changed to rain, and then no one wanted to go on the streets. The services next Sunday at the Baptist church will no unuer me nr Pastor Schofleld. Sublect of morning discourse, "A Good Starting Place" jxpecnuiy appropri- ate for children. Kvcning thme, "(lod Dwelleth With Men" a Christmas subject. Mr. 8. A. Byrne, manager of the Delta drug store, went to Portland this morning to complete his already large stoc k of holiday goods. He is determined to have the nicest and newest articles anil sell them at the lowest iossib!e prices. Those interested in organizing a Camp of Sons of Veterans, O. A. H., will keep in mind the meeting for that purpose, to be held at J. I. Knight's office, evening, Saturday, lieceuiber 21st, at 7 o'clock p. m. Tuality No. 0, A. F. anil A. M., and Tualatin Chapter, No. 31, O K. 8., will Install their officers Jointly on next St. John's day, De cember 27111, at 7 p. iu. We have some more Kven Change tobacco at 15c a pound, also a fine and complete line of groceries at bed- rock prices. Bryan-Laidla- (os Cash Stons For useful things as presents, In- cluding books, lovely perfumes, scrap albums, toilet articles, you may do well to call at the iHlta drugstore. - 1 ..II of Christmas liroca ". fi't.. gilt books in me micro ihhuiuk. - ... i.f ani'fhlnir sty slnl yearare mimu v ever before shown. Found Knfghts of Pythias badge. Ow nor can nave same oy iuij ". .... r,r inn uoiiiv. mtn. a.. and I Hall, Hillsboro. 21 hie thousand dollars to loan on ,od real entate tcciirity. r.nquire r Adolnh Miller, m Kveritt St., Portland, Or t t Knight hasl.200 toloan,on ' 1 :,wm aornritv. in one or - - aniini'1 two lots, for Ihree or five years. tf t,..i.i. leather boot in all KUUUvl - for boys and chiWrentVhulnerichA8(.n-s- . tu few cloaks and capes left at Schulmerieh A Son's. You can get a bargain In reinnanis. . ft. m.Mir that the Pharmacy h, the finest line ol albums in the city. Mrs. Mary Everest, of Portland, is vUiiiug with her mother, Mrs. Walktr. The chea;est and best place to buy raisins, currants, citron aud all kinds of nuts Is at (Jreer's. Bob Greer has'u't any drygoods, but he has the best stock of groceries, crockery, lamps aud glaswaro in Washington county. The Christmas service of the Tual- atin Plains Presbyterian church and Sunday school will be held (D. V.) next Sunday, liecember 22d, at the usual hour for preaching service, II a. ni. A lady driving toward Hillsboro recently, met a little boy trudging homeward through .the woods. She knew him well, and observing a school I ook under tils arm, said: "Why, Hoy; are you going to school now?" "No ma'am," was his an- swer, "I am going home from school now." As we go to press we learn from S. A. Byrne, by telephone, that he has arranged for a Christinas surprise for the llelta patrons, iu the shape of a line of Japanese goods oil commis- sion, lie has made other excellent and advantageous selections which will doubtless immensely please the customers of that establishment. If you insure iu any of the com- panies you semi your money out ol the country, you pay from two to lour times the cost of your insurance, you have no better protection than that afforded by the Oregon Fire Belief Association, which ku-p- s the money at home and gives you insur- ance at actual cost. Iu this you enter into an agreement with your neigh-lior- s, that when one has a fire each ol the others will bear bisshuroof the loss. Wilkes Bros., agents. Some eople from the Fast have Just settled down near here. As there was an old house on the place they bought it was thought best not to build until spring. Atler the first big rain a wick or so ago, we asked them if they were not glad it had ceased raining. "Oh, it hasn't let up at our, yet," was the reply, and then this explanation was given: "You know, the house was old and lull of holes roof, sides and u 1 over and under. Well, these holes were plugged up with moss and the moss gets so soak ts I lliat the water keeps coming into the house three dayi-afte-r the storm is over." If we have only three days between storms that family will have rain all winter. The burglaries of Wednesday night were reported early yesterday morn- ing, at the sheriff's office, together with the information that two fellows had been seen at tho railroad station. Sheriff Ford at once sent his deputies, ltradfoni and Uuorge Bagley, after them. Mr. Bradford sent his team toward Cor- nelius by the long bridge, while he and Bagley followed up tho track. N'igktwatch Ucdmond, with the team, came up with the game first. He engagel them iu talk till Messrs. Bradford aud Bagley camo up, when Bradford said: "You may go back to Hillsboro with us." "All right," the two answered, and were marched toward tho wagon. No resistance was made till that was reached, when one of the fellows suddenly pulled a big gun and shot at Bradford. Bag-le- y saw the other one make a suspi- cious motion, when he punched his own pistol in his face aud told him to throw up his hands. He obeyed, and Bagley kept him in hitH dur- ing the remainder of the buttle. As soon as Bradford hoard the lexi whistle by his ears he pulled and shot, but his man was on tho run fur timber, alniut a half-mil- o away. BraJford shot again, but the fellow followed the worm fence, and he had not time for an accurate aim. Tin fugitive shot again at the officer, but missed. Constable Annans was also iu tho fight, and shot once, but miss- ed. Neighbor James Young, at a dead rest, missed, too; but the runner weakened, for Bradford was gaining, with cartridges iu his pistol for short range. At command, a fine navy revolver of latest pattern was drop- ped, and its mate pulled out of his clothes by his captor. Bradford snapped on his bracelets, and the pair were safely landed in Jail, where a search brought to light a lot of burglars' tools and skeleton keys. The fellows give their names as Ken- edy and Powers. The officers don't certainly know yet whether they are the burglarsof Wednesday night, but they have them hooked for Salem on a charge of assault witli intent to kill. The fellow who shot at Brail-for- d said he did nut intend to kill him, but only for a scare so the officers would ruii; but Bradford don't run. When the shooting first commenced, Coii.itahln Annans was sitting in his cart, and started to run the man down who was doing the shooting. This cS drew the fire on him. The olll'vrs took four pi tols from their prisjners, and a lot of ammunition. Burklen's Arnica Si.lve, The U'st salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, uhvrs, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapcd hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, anil positively cures pile, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give ierfirt satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents er box. For sale by 1 1 ill-si- ro rharmacy. When Bab? ni Hok, w f bar Catoria Wbn ah wm Child, sh criv forCaiitorU Whm tha bacanw Mia, h clung to ('uteris, Wbaa lb kad CblUraa, tU f an thus CMtoria, .tdminttrntor' Xotlce. IS IlEKEKY UIVKS. THAT NOTICE ln' t ourt uf lim S.'itt of Ora- - I tha unilsniiii-- l lministr:t:or of lh tlatu of i.rvM W ilinm, 1pre;inl. ml I hit h'liii iluly 'Mln; I nn.l emrrad upon Ilia dirh:irr of hi dur-- . .... p. ......... agtiniit tlo riai ara hvrrtiy r ii..etj an., rv,ini iir.rui i.icih, miiii ijiv pro:f T'Hi'h-- , !i tha at ti; rriiripnc. al H pis Waiinnir- - tun I'oiiulv. Itrajun, wulii.i ,.i la.mlbi from thatl ita tiarrof. (I ancfia, Ie,-ri)'- 7. !.. X liOS. H. W I I.I.I A MS l.lnli.1.1 ulnrnl x.l .1. ..I .pvilaa W.l i mi, ilatta rJ. MJ CREAM Jlost Terfect Made, ao Vein tUe Staodar.1 AltUUXr OF J. W. SAI'PINOTOV TRCASUliKK. Iec 1, '95, balance last re- port and amount re- ceived in common school fund 27,r.2 6:1 i wi i a nee iroin last rt-s- and amount in county fund to date 54,378 25 1..I . . iwhiuit mm tiiuouiu re- ceived in county re lief fund 408 13 Balance and amount re- ceived In county in stitute fund MO 50 Balance and amount re- - ceivtd in excess 104 18 Balance and amount re- ceived in public road fund 128 II Ueceived ou stale fu. d.. 1:1,027 to " iu school d's fund 8,K08 17 " " city fund 5,211 1 1 Total. tl()9,927 95 Contra I'M out of coin school fund 125,814 47 " " county " 49,034 23 " " county relief " 413 86 " " " institute " 48 25 " 4 " excess " 7 13 " " public road " 127 00 " " state " 13,027 80 " " school district " 8,489 39 ' " city " 5,071 30 Cash in First National Bank, Hillsboro 0,081 98 Cash In f irst -- National Bank, Forest drove... 25 43 Cash in safe 07 24 County warrants on hand 999 10 School " " 120 70 Total $109,927 95 Balance on hand 7,294 45 AtfOl'NT OF It. V. FORD, HIIKKIFF. Dec 1. '!),".. tax roll. 1891. collected 178.987 45 Delinquent, 1885-189- 3.. 487 45 Fees collected to date... 1,284 02 Balauce fees overpaid... ' 115 30 Total 180,874 22 Contra Dee 1, '95, p'd treas to date 78,987 45 Dclimiuent " " 487 4" Fees " " " 1,383 97 Amount on hand 15 35 Total fsn,874 22 Dec 1, '95, fees on band... $15 35 Contra Fees overpaid treasurer... $115 30 (01RT HOLSE MiWS. J'itOllATE UOURT. Kstate John Aruikcr, insane. The report of the guardian Dhows that she has received funds belonging to the estate amounting to $882.09, and has disbursed $1,211.75, leaving a balance of $412.50, due said guardian. It further appears to the court that said John Aruiker lias been discharged from the asylum, fully cured, where fore the court ortlt-re- the estate closed of record, and the bondsmen ex Iioik rated from further liability Estate of B. II. Catching,- - de- ceased. Bond of E B Catching, ad ministrator, for $1,000, with B F Catching and C 11 Howe, sureties, tiled and approved. MARRIAGE LICENSES. License to wed was granted De- - eenilKT 13th to rrank Smith, aged 21 years, and Myra Deitz, aged 19 years; December 17th, Harry Flint, aged Ll years, ami (Jora spideii, aged 18 years; John Boyd, aged 83 years, and Elizabeth J Hammock, aged 18 years; and Anton Nelson, agod 28 years, and Gertrude Christiansen, aged 20 years; and December 18th, Henry Knittel, aged 41 years, and Anna Daroten Fisher, aged 45 years. CltM L IT COURT. Jamison v II E Manning, Judg- - tnent ror plaintitt by default. State v John Louslgnont, indicted for burglary; demurrer to Indict- ment overruled. Pleaded not guilty and Monday, December 23d, set for trial. State v Bailey. Jury, under the instructions of the court, returned a verdict of not truiliy. Block v Millies; motion for new trial overruh d. Tnii ty days allowed for filing bill of cxcepiious. Abel v Shepard; judgment on verdict, State v John Corey, indicted for oiling lintior without license. Pleaded guilty to first indictment and was lined $200. Fine paid, and second indictment dismissed. State v James Ie, indicted for assault and battery. Jury trial; ver- dict of not guilty. Patterson v I uiiint. Judgment for plaintilf. SclieiBelin v Kulsch et al. Judg ment for plaintiff HVHinst Kalsch. State v Precethtel, indicted for rape. Verdict, guilty. Defendant allow i d till next Monday for further proceedings. Jackson v AM. Plaintiff ad judged to be owner of five acre of land hs described in complaint. State v ilki s aud Glass, indicted for assault and battery. Pleaded not guilty. State v A Chalmers, indicted for larceny by failee. Verdict of not guilty. fir-- t National Bank of Hillslforo v Mack. Veidirt for plaintilf. .Miiler v Patterson. It P Cor nelius itpoiiitisl guardian, ad litem, for Helen Mclssl. Iicereeof fore closure allowed. Calliu, receiver, v Tatrone. lie- - cree of foreclosure allowed. Slate v James ev, indicted for biirirlary. m trial. Hell v Chalmers. Trial t for Tuesday, 2tth. Treaanrer'a .stlrf. yoriCE H IIKREBY GIVEN. Tit AT 11 all Yun warrant an!rseJ n tor l Jhj 221, 1!V. ara now redsemabis at thaodirpf.l tha county traa.urer, anil in trn at wiil cease on tha same alter trr 2 J. lxfkV I'sied at lt'ihof. O'.. t i V.r.h div ol IVrfmkr, W,. i. V. !APri'IIO. OS1 County Treasurar. Are now making a First-Clas- s STOCK AND COMMON BRICK .. at their .. WORKS, near NORTH SIDE ADDITION KESTER'S CIDER MILL Makes Cider. Makes Vinegar, Makes Jelly, Makes ApuleJ Butter, Dries Fruit, Dries Corn. ATTENDED TO. STOCK BRICK CO. AND FRUIT FACTORY are lost ally, A GOOD LIVERY TEAM THE I am prepared lo handle all the fruit that la likely to be delivered. My dryer bas a capacity ol ISO bushels of green fruit per day. My presses have a capacity of MO bushels per day. My vats have a capacity of 140 gallons per day. My boiler will cook and prepare for market 1(10 gallons of apple butler por day. I have sweet cider in stock that is 11 months old. I have vinegar that was made last year. I'atrons canget boxes at the drier for packing green or dried fruit. Cider will be put up either raw or boiled. Work dune either for a share of fruit or cash, as tno patron may desire. For drying, permit the caution to be given, that fruit must not bo too ripe, especially ia this true of peach plums and prunes. Over-rip- e fruit is not as saleable aa when dried sooner. Terms more reasonable than have before been ottered. Factory: Corner r our Hi and Jackson rjlreets, Hillsboro, Oregon. 8. E. KESTER. Prop. dlrertly nd Imilrertly, hy pt'ttpln who cannot do their own fltrurinff. wrlt their own letters, or keep their own lunik; mid . do not know whrn iiiIiiwi and Irffal pituer Which they future ha n tilt) eviry tiny an inali' nut rorrrftly. PAII thf thlnr. and much more, we tarh thotinnjhly. Hundreds of our frradimtcs nn In rM1 position, and there will be openings for hundreds more when tim Improve. AW I the time to prepare for them. Hettldra, a business education Is worth all It rwi, fr nttr'a own urn. Send for our catalogue, to learn what and hum we tvai'h. Muth'd fn-- In any addrr. Portland Business College, A, Armstrong, Prln. Portland, Oregon, j. . IF YOU WANT TO HIRE OO TO Cily Livery liable Where you will 11 ml the Best Teams (hit rail ht ss4 LN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST - CLASO. Good Teams, Good Buggies and Goal Erfren Cog. 8oond and Washington ISQS Dr. Bailey's 1 not knon. Surveyors in the News Surveyors were much in the news during the development of Oregon. Through the archives of the University of Oregon Library, this column revisits and celebrates some of those stories of our profession. Surveyors in the News By Pat Gaylord, PLS HILLSBORO INDEPENDENT Friday, December 20, 1895 CHANGING DECLINATIONS In 1895, it was announced the federal government was compiling a study of the movement of the magnetic pole and changes in declination. A local county surveyor in Washington County, L.E Wil- kes (Elected 1894–1898), was apparently a few steps ahead of them in studying and evaluating this phenomenon we in modern times are very much aware of. The department of the interior at Wash- ington, D.C. is collecting information for the purpose of compiling and pub- lishing the magnetic variation of the surveyor’s needle both in present and past times. This work is for the use of land surveyors, and in the interest of science. County Surveyor Wilkes in- dependent of this enquiry, has been conducting experiments and taking ob- servations since 1893, and hence for the short period since is able to furnish the department with trustworthy data for this station—Hillsboro. So far as known, Mr. Wilkes is the only person who has made a record of observations in this field. Surveyors have had a suspicion that the variation of the magnetic nee- dle changes from period to period, and even from year to year. The problem laid out by the Washington authorities is to determine first whether there is a change, and second, the law of the change. Mr. Wilkes finds that the survey made in 1851–2 that marks the base- line and the Willamette meridian puts the magnetic variation at 20°10’E. for the former and 20°5’E. for the town line between towns 2 and 3 W. At Hillsboro, for the years 1893–4–5, the variation has been constant at 21°30’E. So for those years there has been no change, and for the forty years since 1852 the change has been but 1°20’. There is a suspicion that the 1852 observation may not have been as accurate as the 1893, owing, one reason, to the improvement in instruments that have been made. The variation in Washington County is not uniform, due to beds of magnetic iron ore known to exist in places, though these areas are limited. What have been the variations in the forty-year interval no one certainly knows. It may be swing- ing back to the 20°10’ E. mark or away. The observations which Surveyor Wil- kes has commenced, will determine in the next half century if continued by him and his successors. x