PLSO The Oregon Surveor September/October 2021

19 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | As Hicks later put it, “They had already killed three deer, had enjoyed fresh fish for dinner every day, and ascended one of our most difficult mountains by a new route, andwere inprime physical condition from their two-hundredmile walk, so that they felt well repaid for their twenty-three days outing.” x Chuck Whitten graduated in 1967 from Oregon State University with a BS in forest engineering and is still a licensed land surveyor in Oregon and Washington (retired). He has lived near Battle Ground, Washington, since 1977. One of his hobbies since retirement has been recovering and maintaining original GLO section corners under a 1995 volunteer agreement with the Willamette National Forest. Close up of the 1906 scribed “face.” My dad, Noyes Whitten, my son Kevin, and his classmate Kevin Martinson after returning with the sawed-out scribing. Featured Article