PLSO The Oregon Surveyor January/February 2022

2 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 45, No. 1 From the PLSO Chair MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR Take Off the Mask The Governess has ordered Oregonians to wear a mask, but there is a different kind of mask we are wearing. This mask doesn’t cover the face; it covers the reality of irrelevance with the mask of indifference. Indifference comes in many forms, but most surveyors will recognize the following types. The first type is consumerism. The consumer-member will come once per year to get PDH credits and catch up with friends, but not get involved. The second are the guardians of the “way things used to be,” but never grow. The nongrowth- members will be involved, but nothing changes for the better. The last type is the burnout. The burnout-members are actively engaged but exhausted after years of frustration. Every organization loves the first group because membership is the life-blood of our organization. However, it is the industrial producer-consumer model that encourages vice over the virtues of professionalism. The second group is the most dangerous; nothing changes under their watch. Their catchphrase is, “I don’t know, and I don’t care; all I want is my rocking chair.” These are self-appointed gatekeepers that prevent actual growth. The third group is the concern of this column. Frustration results fromnot achieving a goal or solving a problem, or to only to have it interrupted, disrupted, or discontinued after much effort. The cause of this type of indifference is unlike consumerism or a non-growth mindset; it is the frustration produced by a systemic problem. For instance, our organization has a goodmission, but novision. It has remarkable leaders but little power or time to execute a plan to its conclusion. It has excellent goals but fails toplan for succession. Solving systemic problems is accomplished through a clear, unifying vision, an energetic executive officer (President/CEO/Chair), and a leadership program for the rising generation. Before taking off themask of indifference, first, put on the glasses for good vision. PLSO has a mission and goals, but what we become when we reach the goal is unclear. Howdowe know if we completedour mission? Without a clear, unifying vision a mission with goals results in the sudden and brief success that is not repeated or repeatable. An example is clearly illustrated in the 2006 Strategic Plan. There was nothing wrong with the plan. It is an excellent, well-thought-out plan. However, after a few years of success, it withdrew into the abyss of irrelevance. Without a vision, goals become nothing more than an exercise in futility: the result is frustration and burnout. Conversely, our NSPS affiliate is an example of success, with a vision statement in the form of a creed. It states as follows: “As a professional surveyor, I dedicate my professional knowledge and skills to the advancement and betterment of human welfare.” Our organization does not have to follow the path toward irrelevance. We desire to promote, educate, and improve the profession of land surveying in the state of Oregon. We need a vision, an energetic executive, and a leadership succession plan to fulfill our mission. Jeremy Sherer, PLS PLSO Board Chair