PLSO The Oregon Surveyor November/December 2022

16 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 45, No. 6 By Pat Gaylord, PLS Surveyors in the News Surveyors were much in the news during development in the Pacific Northwest. Through the archives of the University of Oregon Library, this column revisits and celebrates some of those stories of our profession. The Reporter McMinnville, Oregon December 27, 1863 An article in the Daily East Oregonian Newspaper in 1907 published a glowing description by the National Parks of the newly released survey map of Yosemite National Park. A cash payment or money order in the amount of 10 cents and you could have one of your own! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! LAND SURVEY To preserve the established corners of the public land surveys and to reestablish those that have been destroyed, is becoming more and more a vexed question. There seems to be but few corners that are able to withstand the ravages of time, accident, or design. The neglect of the land owners of California to keep up their original comers until so many of them have been destroyed, is causing an endless amount of trouble and litigation. Local Surveyors fail to give satisfaction and they have petitioned Congress to have a resurvey made by United States Deputy Surveyors under the direction of the Surveyor General of that State, but Congress has refused, and it is well that they have, for no Surveyor, clothed with any kind of authority, or with any kind of instruments can reestablish corners with any degree of accuracy or satisfaction to the owners of the land, if many of the corners are missing, for the reason that the original lines and corners were probably not established with the strict