PLSO The Oregon Surveyor January/February 2023

10 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 46, No. 1 2023 Annual Conference Wrapping Up the 2023 Conference By Jered McGrath, PLSO Conference Committee Chair 2022 outgoing Board members receiving their plaques for their valuable service from now Past-Chairman Jeremy Sherer, standing at right. Left to right: Brent Knapp, Dane Meade, Ryan Erickson, Rhonda Dodge, Scott Freshwaters, Lance King, and Jered McGrath. What a great way to kickstart 2023! Overall, PLSO hosted more than 500 attendees, including speakers, vendors, students, and corporate members. No matter how you participated, the Conference Committee thanks you for choosing us to help with your continuing education. It is an important event to the PLSO community and we are happy to continue that tradition. If you attended this year in Salem, I’d like to think you felt a bit of a buzz in the air reminiscent of the way conferences used to be, together with a feeling of optimism for where we are going. It was great to get nearly 400 attendees onsite this year and still provide access to about 100 folks viewing the live stream. Last year, those numbers were pretty much evenly split as we waded through ever-changing effects of and requirements from Covid. I was glad to see so many familiar faces and friends in person, and for some faces this would be the first time since January 2020 at the last pre-Covid annual conference. I found it hard to make my way from one end of the hallway to the other without truly wanting to stop and catch up with so many peers. Some of these conversations just needed more time than the 30 minute break between classes. Now that the conference has concluded the in-person event, I can get busy catching up on work from the missed week and action items that came up during those great chats with my peers. Now is also the time to dive into the online activity and catch up on some of the recorded content from the sessions. Recorded sessions have been loaded into the Whova platform for everyone to watch, and