PLSO The Oregon Surveyor January/February 2024

12 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 47, No. 1 2023 Awards Team Player Award Marcus Helm EGR & Associates John Wise QZ Land Surveying 2023 Award Winners Recognized By Dan Nelson, Award Committee Chair and PLSO Chair-Elect, Branch Engineering As the Awards Committee Chair, I get to have the privilege of honoring the recipients of this year’s awards. I want to thank everyone who submitted nominations this year. I’m sure everyone is busy, so thank you for taking the time to circulate and send in the nomination forms. Without you, I don’t get to do this. That said, it takes exceptional people worth recognizing, and this year we had no shortage of deserving nominees. The health of an organization comes from the quality of its members. Each year I’m pleased to read the good things our members have done for our organization, our profession, and our communities. Please remember that a list of categories, the nomination forms, and eligibility criteria are on the PLSO website under the Members Only section. Congratulations to all our award winners this year! And on behalf of everyone at PLSO, thank you for stepping up and being an important part of our professional community. Marcus Helm The Team Player is given to someone who demonstrates how cooperation and teamwork create stronger engagement. This year we recognized a pair of team players. In 2022, the Willamette Chapter was struggling with participation and excitement and could not find volunteers who wanted to serve as Chapter Officers. Not only did Marcus Helm and John Wise step up as officers, they also revived participation and ran a successful solar workshop. Chapter activity is an important part of feeling a local connection to the membership, and both have served as important board members at the state level as well. John Wise