SDDSNY Bulletin November/December 2022

S D D S 2023 Second diStrict dental Society cordially inviteS all memberS to join uS for our annual inStallation of officerS and awardS luncheon Sunday, january 8, 2023 reception 12 p.m. luncheon 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. the univerSity club of newyork 1 weSt 54th Street, newyork, ny 10019 celebrating the inStallation of incoming preSident dr. raymond flagiello and the 2023 SddS officerS $75 per perSon buSineSS attire pleaSe regiSter online at by december 15, 2022 for more information: (718)522-3939 WWW.SDDSNY.ORG 13