VAA Virginia Asphalt Fall/Winter 2023

When I first started working for the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) in 1998, the agency’s slogan was “We Keep Virginia Moving.” That slogan did not explain how VDOT was going to keep Virginia moving, but it did make it clear that the focus was on the transportation of people and goods across the Commonwealth. In the 25 years since my first day at VDOT, a lot has changed, and a lot has stayed the same. VDOT still builds most pavements out of asphalt; VDOT still constructs bridges and the occasional tunnel; and VDOT is still moving. But it is easy to point out how many of the materials and approaches used to construct and maintain the highway network have changed and advanced. I have two favorite sayings. One from Thomas Edison: “Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won’t work.” The other, while attributed to Albert Einstein but with no proof, is the quote, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” Both quotes tie together hard work, but Edison was looking to learn, and the unknown author pointed out the foolishness of expecting change when nothing changes. As the transportation industry continues to press forward in delivering a safe, economical, long-lasting system, we must remember the lesson in these two quotes. Forces that will impact the asphalt industry will come from all directions. In the last 36 months, we have seen the impacts of COVID-19, inflation, supply chain disruptions, workforce scarcity, knowledge depletion, funding, regulations, special interest groups; and the list goes on and on. As an industry, we should ask ourselves— what must change to control the fate of the industry; and are we willing to make those changes? This was the focal question posed to the Virginia Asphalt Association PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE Keep Moving Trenton M. Clark, PE, President, Virginia Asphalt Association Board of Directors and invited members at the September 2023 Strategic Retreat. The attendees agreed that the asphalt industry must be proactive, but it would not be easy. Many of the forces are out of our direct control. However, we may be able to educate, influence, and position asphalt as the material of choice for pavement owners. As the association winds down 2023 and begins plans for the coming years, we are asking those tough questions. Why are we doing this, and does it really make a difference? Are we following the path of insanity, or are we learning thousands of ways not to do something? We can press the easy button and choose not to make any changes out of complacency or fear, but we cannot repeat the same activities and expect a change. Just as the VDOT slogan “We Keep Virginia Moving” implies, VAA will be focused on providing those services necessary to promote the asphalt industry. Some may be subtle, and others may appear drastic, but nothing will be done without forethought. As you enter 2024, what are you doing to Keep Moving? Stay safe! Just as the VDOT slogan “We Keep Virginia Moving” implies, VAA will be focused on providing those services necessary to promote the asphalt industry. Some may be subtle, and others may appear drastic, but nothing will be done without forethought. 08 FALL/WINTER 2023