ATSSA The Signal Nov/Dec 2019

The Signal | November/December 2019 5 ATSSA News West coast Midyear Meeting draws hundreds Committee and council members convene, Association meets with ASC and forms Traffic Signals Committee More than 300 ATSSA members convened in San Diego, for the Associ- ation’s 2019MidyearMeeting, where they participated in committee and council meetings, established a Traffic Signals Committee, met with the Automotive Safety Council (ASC), and raised funds for legislative advocacy efforts and The ATSS Foundation. Associationmembers shared their techni- cal andpractical knowledgearound issues within the roadway safety infrastructure industry including theManual for Assess- ing Safety Hardware (MASH), the 2020 Manual onUniformTrafficControlDevices (MUTCD), andConnectedandAutomated Vehicle (CAV) technology as they relate to trafficcontrol devices. Theevent’sGeneral Session featuredDeputyDirector ofMain- tenanceandOperations for theCalifornia Department of Transportation (Caltrans) SteveTakigawaand theAmericanAssocia- tionof StateHighway andTransportation Officials (AASHTO) Program Director for Engineering JimMcDonnell. “This year’smeetingwasagreat success, as our committees, councils, and subgroups had the opportunity to hold important discussions about the leading issues and advancementswithin the roadway safety infrastructure industry,” said ATSSA Vice President of Member Services Donna Clark. “The conversations and actions taken during all of our events are key to helping us reach our Toward ZeroDeaths goal, when we will eliminate roadway fatalities and injuries on U.S. roadways. Midyear was another step in the right direction.” According to Clark, the formation of the Traffic Signals Committee will be Steve Takigawa, deputy director of maintenance and operations for Caltrans, ad- dressed more than 300 ATSSA members at the Midyear Opening General Session. ATSSA Chair Juan Arvizu addressed members highlighting the importance of their contributions that advance roadway safety each year. Closing out the Midyear Meeting, ATSSA members participated in the second annual Twisted Bowling Tournament Fundraiser to support The ATSS Foundation. The San Diego meeting kicked off with the members hearing from speakers from Caltrans and AASHTO.