GDA Action April May 2020

April/May 2020 • 47 Why did you decide to become a dentist? My uncle and cousin are dentists and my mom was a dental assistant, so I was very familiar with the profession growing up. Their jobs just always seemed cool to me. As I got older, I realized I enjoyed educating and helping others, valued close personal relationships, enjoyed the sciences in school, and loved kids. So pediatric dentistry was a no-brainer for me. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Well, currently my “spare time” includes entertaining, feeding, bathing and loving on my spirited 3-year-old daughter, Margo, and my sweet 7-month-old son, Henry, while trying to keep up with our two active pups. But before all that happened, my husband and I enjoy most anything outdoors—hiking, camping, traveling, and of course college football.... and Netflix. What is your all-time dream vacation? Santorini, Greece for sure. But before that becomes a reality, I’m happy to explore anywhere new with the ones I love! Without saying, “I am a dentist,” what would you say if someone asked what you do? I would say I work with children and their parents to better their oral health. To do that, I’m an educator, doctor, leader, artist, engineer, and of course a listening ear, hand holder, and counselor to many sweet little people, all the while being a wife, mommy, daughter, sister, and friend to all the other important people in my life. What is the single most important thing, in your opinion, GDA can do to helpmembers? For me, I rely on the GDA to keep me well- informed on changes within the profession at the state level and help me stay current on necessary CE and training for myself and the staff. What is your most memorable GDA experience? In dental school, I had the opportunity to volunteer at GMOM and at Special Olympics, Special Smiles. It was a humbling experience to provide screenings and treatment to so many incredible people in need of dental care. What advice would you give to an aspiring dental student? It’s not for the faint of heart, but all the hours spent studying, filling out applications, and eventually dental school lab work and clinic hours are worth it. Surround yourself with loved ones that can support you and encourage you through the tough times and remember to find time for yourself, find a healthy outlet for stress, and relax when you can! What did you want to be when you were growing up? I honestly can’t remember what I wanted to be as a young girl—I’m sure I had aspirations of becoming a teacher or a marine biologist or something, but as far back as probably middle school, I wanted to be like my Uncle “Doc” who is a dentist in Fort Valley, Ga. What was your first job? At 15, after school I worked at a local gym in the daycare and on the weekends, I worked at a car wash—vacuuming, cleaning, and drying!