VAA Virginia Asphalt Fall/Winter 2019

VAASPHALT.ORG 07 What Lies Ahead? As 2019 comes to a close, there are two options—reflect on the year that was or look forward to the year that will be. Both are necessary for growth and success. We reflect, keeping in mind that the past is the past, and it can’t be changed. But evaluat- ing what was done well and what could be done better is critical. What lessons were learned? As VAA moves from reflecting on the past, we spend more time, to some people’s chagrin, pondering the future. Where does the association want to be this time next year? What would we like to see accomplished for the members? So, let’s reflect. The past 12 months were markedly different from 2018. In the beginning we were fighting raindrops every other day, then later in the year we were faced with a long drought. As this article is written, many members are complet- ing their VDOT maintenance schedules early. The industry saw the retirement of VDOT’s Chief Engineer Garrett Moore and began a new relationship with his successor, Bart Thrasher. VAA expanded the annual technical conference focused on Virginia to a mid-Atlantic regional expo and conference that’s focused on training and initiatives that cross state lines. Membership increased thanks to value-added programs like VPRIS and the BMD Demonstration Workshop. VAA was able to reduce tonnage fees for contractor members—a big achievement for the association. In search of space that was more collaborative and that would allow our growing staff to serve the membership better, we sold the office at 6900 Patter- son Avenue. Stay tuned for news of our new location. VECAT offerings continue to improve and increase. Finally, VAA enhanced our already tremendous staff with the addition of David T. Lee, P.E. Through all these achievements, just as many lessons were learned that would be used to improve our services to members, partners, and the public. Enough about 2019. Let’s ponder 2020! Our goal? Simple, make the focus areas of VAA better. Many actions will point to one of, if not the greatest need, for the asphalt industry—Workforce Development. We are expanding our efforts to assist members in hiring individuals that fit their needs and developing those hires into long term employees. VAA is working with high school CTE programs to bring the asphalt industry to today’s Generation Z. VECAT is adding new credentials for pavement recy- cling through new classes. VAA will support Germanna Community College in their effort to begin the Asphalt Academy which will provide more in-depth training on the basics of asphalt. The RJ Schreck Schol- arship will continue to grow and expand to offer more educational assistance to its members and member dependents. Trenton M. Clark, P.E., Executive Vice President, Virginia Asphalt Association MESSAGE FROM THE EVP Moving the Association Forward into an Exciting New Decade Of course, VAA will be working on other initiatives alongside workforce devel- opment. More time will be spent with contractor technicians developing bal- anced mix designs. Training and education of localities and consultants will range from proper asphalt mix selection to porous pavements. Based on the request of attendees, VPRIS is being shifted from the summer to early spring and moved to Fredericksburg so more of the industry can participate and learn of new technolo- gies. The Mid-Atlantic Asphalt Expo and Conference will improve to meet the needs of the attendees and exhibitors, ever- expanding throughout the mid-Atlantic. This is just a sample of what lies ahead. The next 12 months will be exciting. Get ready to see the changes that lay in store. As always, we encourage you to be part of the change. Volunteer to lead an effort; be part of a VAA team; and, as always, tell us how we are doing. Stay Safe.