OTA Dispatch Issue 1, 2019

9 www.ortrucking.org Issue 1 | 2019 highway use tax recordkeeping that can be found at youtu.be/MqHgAdfHSzY. Pay particular attention to the records required to support off road exempt miles, flat fee operations, farm operations and heavy haul operations. The following sections of Oregon Revised Statutes pertain to the authority of the Department of Transportation and the responsibility of motor carriers regarding record keeping: 823.025 Maintaining and producing records; expenses incurred in out-of- state examinations; rules. (1) The Department of Transportation may require by rule, or by order or subpoena to be served on any motor carrier or railroad, the maintaining within this state or the production within this state at such time and place as the department may designate, of any books, accounts, papers or records kept by such motor carrier or railroad in any office or place within or without this state, or verified copies in lieu thereof, if the department so orders, in order that an examination thereof may be made by the department or under direction of the department. (2) When a motor carrier or railroad keeps and maintains its books, accounts, papers or records outside the state, the department may examine such documents and shall be reimbursed by the motor carrier or railroad for all expenses incurred in making such out-of- state examination. [1995 c.733 §21] 823.027 Duty to furnish information to department. (1) Every motor carrier and railroad shall furnish to the Department of Transportation all information required by the department to carry into effect the provisions of ORS chapters 823, 824, 825, and 826 and shall make specific answers to all questions submitted by the department. (2) If a motor carrier or railroad is unable to furnish any information required under subsection (1) of this section for any reason beyond its control, it is a good and sufficient reason for such failure. The answer or information shall be verified under oath and returned to the department at the department’s office within the period fixed by the department. [1995 c.733 §22; 1997 c.249 §238] 823.029 Failure to furnish requested information. No officer, agent or employee of any motor carrier or railroad shall: (1) Fail or refuse to provide any information or document required by the Department of Transportation; (2) Fail or refuse to answer any question therein propounded; (3) Knowingly or willfully give a false answer to any such question or evade the answer to any such question where the fact inquired of is within the person’s knowledge; (4) Upon proper demand, fail or refuse to exhibit to the department or any person authorized to examine the same, any book, paper, account, record or memorandum of the motor carrier or railroad that is in possession or under the control of the person; (5) Fail to properly use and keep a system of accounting or any part thereof, as prescribed by the department; or (6) Refuse to do any act or thing in connection with such system of accounting when so directed by the department or authorized representative. [1995 c.733 §23]  Your OTA staff are available upon request to assist your review of your recordkeeping systems and to advise whether you are well situated to report accurate information and to back up your reported operations on a weight mile tax report. ALLMILES TRAVELED INOREGONOVER EVERY STREET, ALLEY,ROAD,HIGHWAYOR THOROUGHFAREUSED BYTHEPUBLICORAPPROPRIATEDTOPUBLICUSEARETAXABLE. IFYOUNEEDASSISTANCE INCOMPLETINGYOURREPORTS,PLEASECALL (503)378-6699. MCTDACCOUNTNUMBER COMPANYNAME PERIODOFOPERATION FORM735-9002E (12-14) STK# 320013 STATE/ PROV REMARKS (OVERDIMENSIONPERMITNO., CONFIGURATION,ETC.) EXITPOINT AND ODOREADING MONTH &DAY OFTRIP ENTRYPOINT AND ODOREADING PICKUP,DELIVERYOR LAYOVERCITY(IES) HIGHWAYS TRAVELED FUELPURCHASE CITY TAXABLE MILES AXLES WEIGHT WEIGHTS OVER 80,000LBS SEE EXAMPLES ON REVERSE * * VEHICLE TRIP RECORD OREGONDEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION MOTORCARRIERTRANSPORTATIONDIVISION 3930FAIRVIEW INDUSTRIALDRIVESE SALEMOR97302-1166 UNITNO. STATE/PROV PLATENO. Reset Print Online fillable Vehicle Trip Record Form