PLSO The Oregon Surveyor March April 2021

3 if we had to spend an entire meeting go- ing through all the suggestions and start trying them out. One last item. During this past board of directors meeting, the Practice Com- mittee gave their report and showed an outline of the proposed work they wish to develop. Some confusion came up on what the Practice Committee is trying to accomplish. I believe the confusion comes from those who remember the ole “Standards and Practice Manual” PLSO had developed but dropped some years ago. We dropped the manual be- cause we were in fear that the manual could be used against a surveyor if the surveyor did not follow the manual's pro- cedures as prescribed. The issue really was that, as time goes by, we needed to constantly update the manual in a timely manner, and we all know how impossi- ble that can be. So, instead of having that weight over our head, the Board of Di- rectors followed chapter votes to drop the manual. Now because of the Practice Committee name being so close to the old Standards of Practice Manual committee, some peo- ple are confusing the two. The Practice Committee has no intention or desire to even suggest how to do your survey work. The intention of the committee is to provide a means for the beginning and emerging surveyor on how to be- come a better leader in the profession. They are working on helping two groups: the emerging student and the emerging licensed professional. The committee is attempting to set up a program that these two groups can use to help them become a better professional and a bet- ter leader for PLSO. There will be more about this from the Practice Committee in the future, but rest assured that their efforts are not pointed on how you are to survey. Have a wonderful spring and watch out for the emerging poison oak. x Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon |